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COVID-19 Madness

Tuesday, May 26, 2020 12:54 PM

All 50 states are opening up their COVID-19 stay-at-home orders in some degree and kind, using a combination of state and county interpretation of the ever fluid “phase” metrics of the federal government guidelines, which are suggested but not required. All the while our addlebrained provocateur of a President tweets his disdain at mostly Democratic governors’ efforts to reduce the spread of the coronavirus and keep their citizens safe. In fact, he’s been using his bully pulpit to incite state governors and citizens to disobey and resist vociferously efforts to slow the spread of this deadly pandemic. This unprincipled, orchish man not only continues to damage our democracy, perhaps beyond repair if reelected, but continues to be a clear and present danger to the life of every American. Ironically, this includes those white supremacists bent on “whitey” revolution that he uses to hold power. He is a virus in human form, even more deadly than his microorganism counterparts.

How successful has Trump been in his campaign to muddle common sense and transform it into group-collective psychosis radically locked in self-destruction? Looking at recent news coverage of masses of people “enjoying” their unmasked, non-social distancing nose thumbing at Phase One protocols, one must conclude he has been supremely successful. Not to mention the endemic bigotry in American society that has endured in the shadow of the equality principles comprising the bedrock of our nation’s founding set forth in the Declaration of Independence and reaffirmed in our Constitution. This bigoted non-inclusion of “those” unlike oneself and, therefore, expendably unworthy is at the heart of Trump’s appeal. It’s what he courts and counts on for reelection. 

So if you believe in "that more perfect union” of justicedomestic tranquilitycommon defense, the general welfare, and the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, and you say you’re undecided on Biden v.s. Trump, you are at serious cross purposes to your own being. Inclusivity might not always favor us individually, but it does favor us as a collective whole. Which in the end is all of us. 

— Carl